I think I can say with absolute accuracy that at no point in the history of mankind has anyone ever exited our plane of existence, to the cadence of every other person sighing in relief and uttering,"Thank goodness... He overstayed his welcome on this planet."
That has never happened, and likely never will. Every single being on this planet is loved, cherished, liked, needed or otherwise celebrated on this ball of dirt, in life and in death by at least someone, albeit even by a stranger or lunatic fan. Posthumous recognition counts too.
Life is simply too short.
Less than two calendar weeks have passed since my decision to switch from a typical mainstream diet to that of a health conscious, couscous having, tofu frying, bean-eating, animal-loving vegetable serial killer. The more time that goes on, the more I adjust, and learn, and struggle, and achieve. I had no idea how deep and far this life change would run though. My biggest regret is simply not embracing this sooner and yes, I definitely will spread the word and share the joy that I have as a result of "Thriving".... Compliments of Mr. +Brendan Brazier's development team.
Which brings me to my latest thought of "waste".... Don't waste your life.
All too often we let ourselves off the hook. "I'll get to it this weekend."
"I'll call them next week."
"We'll be sure to see each other next time I visit."
"Maybe we can go see your family next Christmas instead of mine."
And next thing you know it, your life is half - or completely over - and you realize how little of it you actually lived.
The last twenty years has been a blur of sodium-laden, preservative-enhanced, drive-through windows product and frozen foods, with less than a handful of which were remarkable. I can almost count on just one hand how many meals I truly, truly enjoyed and savored and relished. I mean, I often tried something and remarked how great the flavor was or how much I enjoyed it, but I'm referring to those blow-your-socks-off-tell-all-your-friends-this-will-be-my-Last-Supper-if-I-end-up-on-Death-Row kind of meal.
The last twenty years has been a smoke-and-mirrors show of health and happiness as well. I can't remember ever being able to jog a kilometer in my life without suffering cardiac arrest. I don't remember ever truly feeling "athletic". I never embraced the potential my body frame had for football, bodybuilding or battle ram type work.
Fortunately, I'm invincible, immortal and ready to rock the rest of my life. Starting now.
Eternally yours,
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