Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fat Guy's Analogy of the Day

My "Why Should I Go Vegan" analogy of the day for January 3, 2013:

Think of the World like a plot of land on which you want to build your house. It's only so big. Maximum dimensions. Only so much that you can do with that land. Only so much Life that static amount of land will support.

Plan, design, build, decorate, furnish and move into a ridiculously oversized house on that land. Use up every square foot you can. Pave whatever greenspace you can. Knock down any trees. Invite as many people as you can over. Acquire a lot of pets.Stack those pets on top of each other so you can keep as many as possible.

Oh, and by the way.... for that enormous house... heat/cool it, leave the lights on, spend all your money maintaining it, spend all of your resources keeping it up, but only use part of the house to live in.

How long before you think your plot of land is going to be the last place on earth you or anyone else want's to be?

That's what we're doing to our planet.

Food for thought... Or is that, Thought for Food.


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