Friday, January 4, 2013

Chewed to Death!

You know, in some of my social circles that statement (or opening subject line) would immediately usher gasps of shock. To a scuba diver, the last thing you want to think about is being chewed to death.

Ironically, I'm not actually speaking of being second highest on the food chain, and being mauled by a lion, tiger, bear or shark. I'm speaking from the perspective of the foods we put in our mouths and how its killing us.

A dear loved one of mine was under the weather for quite some time. She spent nights on end going to bed early, curled up in a fetal position and hunched over in pain. I won't go into great detail as to the exact symptoms but what it all boiled down to was month-after-month of endless tests, missed work to see doctors and inconclusive results. Until she visited a Wellness clinic and consulted with a naturopath.

There are far too many items to discuss, and some more intense than others, but my reason for bringing this story up was a conversation I had with a friend this morning who inquired as to why I was driven to consider veganism. In short, it's because I want to consider living a long, healthy, happy, and prosperous life. And if something as simple as chewing gum can deter that, I am more than happy to give it up.

So beyond the argument of whether fuzzy bunnies are tasty, or whether milk is bad, there really is a basic fundamental conversation that should take place: Are you careful and responsible about what you put in your mouth?

To think, a stick of gum can be detrimental to your health, never mind a host of other candies. In doubt? Read THIS.

Really, from what I can tell, vegans and vegetarians alike are simply people who are responsible to themselves (and their loved ones) and devoted to ensuring quality of sustenance without exploiting their natural surroundings. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, and yes there are exceptions and outcasts to any group, but if I'm going to spend any significant amount of time beyond now paying taxes and going to work every day, I'd at least like to be happy and healthy doing it.

The only thing worse than living a short, miserable, unhealthy life is living a long one.

Chew on that.

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